Dressage Clinic with Spanish Riding School Bereiter Herbert Seiberl

July 12 – 14, 2007

Comments from rider and clinic venue owner Pamela Atkinson


My stallion, Pluto II Samara (Sam) and I have had a loving but difficult partnership for almost 9 years.  Because of Sam's age and talent, (and my boredom), we began a few years ago working on all the movements of the Grand Prix.  I knew the connection through the reins was way too heavy.  It certainly didn't "feel" like art.  It wasn't even fun!  I began to dread riding Sam. 


Then, last fall, through an e mail, Jorie told me about Herbert Seiberl from the SRS coming to Michigan in January to do a clinic.  I decided to go.  I'd never participated in a clinic before and was a bit nervous.  When Herbert introduced himself we connected and I felt very much at ease with him.  He gave me the tools to slowly correct my horse, taking me humbly back to "the basics".  Suddenly I had new hope. 


When July came,  Bud and I were privileged to host a clinic with Bereiter Seiberl here at
Blue Water Stables.  Herbert rode him and confirmed our progress since January, saying, "He's much better."  This clinic has built on that foundation and has been extremely productive.  I can honestly say, because of Herbert, and his expertise, Sam is becoming a pleasure to ride and we are well on our way.  Herbert, I salute you!!!!!

As a Bereiter at the famed Spanish Riding School of  Vienna, we all KNOW he can ride, but what I discovered after riding in two clinics with him is his ability to teach both horse and rider with a unique  combination of authority and empathy. As an FEI level trainer I'm privileged to have his help, and look forward to another opportunity with Herbert